
This website was designed to help local food banks and generous individuals generate ideas for donation items needed at local food banks and/or community resource centers. One of the issues that families who seek assistance face is that, although most are grateful for any and all help they may receive, most times the items that are available are not sensible for most families today. Unfortunately, food banks are sometimes used as means to clean out kitchen cabinets and items that end up being donated are often times not feasible, healthy and/or do not meet the realistic needs of families today. The majority of items that local food banks or community resource centers are stocked with consist of  items such as: foods that not a lot of families favor, food items that may require other ingredients and/or other utensils that are not attainable or maybe even old dishes or utensils that may be worn and unhealthy to use. While continuing to support and appreciate the people with good and honest intentions who donate to food banks and area community centers, I hope to both encourage and provide a sense of direction about what items to consider donating.

I hope that you may find the document below listing suggestions for donation items a beneficial tool to help caring individuals generate ideas to help those in need.

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